Modded Among Us Details


To play modded lobbies of Among Us, all players are required install the same mod as one another for the game to function correctly. Modded lobbies are unjoinable on Vanilla clients.

First, download the newest release of The Other Roles mod from Github ( and extract its contents.

Next, find your Among Us install location (found through Steam by Right-Clicking Among Us, then Manage, then Browse Local Files) and ensure that there are no other mods in the folder. If there are, delete the entire contents of the 'Among Us' folder, verify file integrity through Steam, and launch the game.

Once you have the install location cleaned, if you want to have a seperate Vanilla install, then duplicate the folder (copy and paste it in place) and rename the new folder to 'Among Us - ToR'. Either way, copy the contents of the unzipped 'ToU v5.1.1' folder to this directory. The BepInEx and Dotnet folders should be at the same level as Among Us.exe.

Launching the game via the Among Us.exe file in this location should load the modded version of Among Us (which may take up to 5 minutes on first launch). If you have created a seperate install for the modded version, make a shortcut to this by right-clicking the Among Us executable, clicking 'Create shortcut', and paste this into your Windows Start Menu's Shortcuts folder. To get here, open your Start Menu, right click any program, and click 'open file location'. Paste or drag your shortcut to the 'Programs' folder.
You may want to rename this shortcut to something like 'Among Us ToR'.

House Rules:

  • Deafen on Game Start.
  • Dead players can unmute between meetings to discuss.
  • If alive, un-deafen when a meeting starts to partake in conversations.
  • If dead, mute yourself to prevent interruptions
  • Try to avoid grouping as much as possible, especially in later rounds, as doing so makes the game less enjoyable for Neutrals and Impostors.
  • Try to avoid talking before the players appear on the vote screen, as a player may have been blackmailed.

Active Modifiers:

Crewmate Exclusive Modifiers:

Aftermath - Forces their killer to use their ability.
Bait - Forces their killer to self-report.
Diseased - Increases their killer's kill cooldown.
Frosty - Slows the killer down for a short duration.
Multitasker - Makes task windows transparent.
Torch - Isn't affected by the Lights sabotage.

Global Modifiers:

Button Barry - Can call a meeting from anywhere on the map.
Flash - Moves at greater an speed compared to other players.
Giant - A gigantic crewmate with reduced walk speed.
Lovers - Two players linked together. Must both be a part of the final 3 remaining players to win.
Radar - Knows where the nearest player is at all times.
Shy - Becomes translucent when standing still for long enough.
Sixth Sense - Senses when other players interact with them.
Sleuth - Learns the roles of any dead players they report.
Tiebreaker - Their vote decides the result of a drawn meeting.

Impostor Exclusive Modifiers:

Disperser - 1 time ability to send all players to a random vent.
Double Shot - Gets an extra life when guessing player roles.
Underdog - Has an extended kill cooldown until they are the last Impostor remaining.

Active Role Info:

Crewmate Roles:

Intel Aurial - Senses the use of abilities in the surrounding area.
Intel Detective - Inspects crime scenes. User's screen flashes red if the player inspected was near the crime scene at any point.
Intel Haunter - Dead crewmate who reveals Impostors when finishing their tasks. Runs around as a translucent player. Turns into a standard ghost when clicked by a living player.
Intel Investigator - Sees footprints left behind by other players.
Intel Mystic - Recieves alerts when a player dies. An arrow is shown briefly pointing to the corpse's location.
Intel Oracle - Recieves confessions from other players about their role. Confessions aren't 100% guaranteed to be the truth.
Intel Seer - Reveals the alliance of other players (Impostors and any Killer role shows as red).
Intel Snitch - Knows identities and locations of Impostors after finishing tasks. Impostors know their location when they have 2 tasks remaining.
Intel Spy - Gets additional information from the Admin Table, including the colour of each player.
Intel Tracker - Places trackers on other players which point to their locations every 5 seconds.
Intel Trapper - Places traps around the map which reveal all roles which passsed through to the trapper in a random order.
Killer Hunter - Tracks and executes 'suspicious' players. Does not die if they kill an innocent. Can only kill those that have given probable cause.
Killer Jailor - Jails other players to protect meeting abilities being used on/by them. Can communicate privately with the jailee. Can execute jailee if they believe them to be bad.
Killer Sheriff - Kills players they believe to be evil. Misfiring kills the Sheriff instead.
Killer Veteran - Goes on Alert, causing any player that interacts with them to immediately die.
Killer Vigilante - Kills during meetings by guessing players' roles. Guessing incorrectly kills the Vigilante instead.
Protector Altruist - Sacrifices themself to revive fallen players.
Protector Medic - Shields another player, making them unkillable by other players until the Medic dies. Reporting dead bodies gives clues about the killer's identity.
Protector Engineer - Can fix sabotages from anywhere. Has the ability to vent.
Protector Warden - Fortifies players to protect them from interactions and assassinations. Protected players can still be killed directly.
Support Imitator - Mimics dead crewmates to effectively borrow their roles.
Support Medium - Can see and communicate with ghosts by using their ability.
Support Politician - Campagins to other players to become a Mayor. Requires half of living players to be campaigned to for them to reveal as the new Mayor.
Support Prosecutor - Exiles (ejects) a chosen player from a meeting, bypassing vote count.
Support Swapper - Swaps the votes placed on 2 players during meetings.
Support Transporter - Swaps the locations of 2 players at will.

Neutral Roles:

Benign Amnesiac - 'Roleless' until finding a corpse to steal the role and alignment from.
Benign Guardian Angel - Designated a target to protect no matter what. Aligns with the target.
Benign Survivor - Wins by simply surviving til the end of the game.
Evil Doomsayer - Must guess 3 player roles in meetings to win. Can't misfire.
Evil Executioner - Must get their target voted out during a meeting to win.
Evil Jester - Must get voted out to win.
Evil Phantom - Become translucent upon death, and must complete all tasks without being clicked to win.
Evil Soul Collector - Collects souls from corpses of players they have reaped. Must collect a certain number of souls to win.
Killer Arsonist - Douses players in gasoline to ignite all doused players at once.
Killer Juggernaut - Killer whose cooldown reduces with each kill.
Killer Plaguebearer - Infects all living players to become Pestilence - a killing role that can't be killed directly, only voted out.
Killer The Glitch - Hacks and mimics other players to be the last player standing.
Killer Vampire - Bites other players to convert them to become a Vampire. When there are 2 Vampires alive, biting any other players will just kill them.
Killer Warewolf - Rampages to activate their kill button with a very short cooldown duration.

Impostor Roles:

Concealing Escapist - Marks a location once per round to teleport to. Escapists can't vent.
Concealing Grenadier - Throws smoke grenades which blind crewmates.
Concealing Morphling - Samples other players to shapeshift into them later in the round.
Concealing Swooper - Temporarily turns invisible. Swoopers can't use vents.
Concealing Venerer - Gains additional abilities through killing (Camo, Sprint, and Freeze).
Killer Bomber - Plants timed bombs instead of directly killing. Bombs can kill Impostors.
Killer Traitor - A crewmate selected at random if all Impostors die early enough.
Killer Warlock - Charges up a kill button to kill infinitely for the next 1.5 seconds.
Support Blackmailer - Silences a player, making them unable to speak during meetings.
Support Hypnotist - Hypnotises players to make them unable to see other player colours.
Support Janitor - Cleans up corpses. Clean and Kill cooldowns are linked.
Support Miner - Mines new vent networks usable by any player that can vent.
Support Undertaker - Drags and drops bodies in more concealed locations.

Additional notes:

  • If a player dies as they report, they are considered dead, and cannot partake in the meeting. If their body appears after the meeting by the table, it is to be immediately reported, then everyone skips, without discussing any game information.
  • It is recommend to set custom keybinds on Discord (Settings > Keybinds > Add A Keybind) for 'Toggle Deafen' and 'Toggle Mute'.
  • Keybinds for in-game actions (such as Q for Kill) can be found and adjusted in the in-game settings.
  • If you can't launch the game through Steam, get a GI Fatal Error, or can't see custom modded hats, try restarting the game, and launching from either the EXE or a shortcut opened as Admin.
  • All Impostors and Neutral-Killers can Assassinate people in meetings by guessing their role correctly. Guessing incorrectly results in a suicide unless the guesser is a Doomsayer, or has the Double Shot modifier.
  • To Assassinate a player, you must guess their exact role. For example, if a player is a 'Swooper' and they are guessed as 'Impostor', that guess is incorrect. 'Impostor' is only a correct guess if they are exclusively a Vanilla impostor.

If you have any questions about anything mentioned here, feel free to reach out to me on Discord. Alternatively, click the 'Get In Touch' button at the top of the screen to contact me via email.