Welcome to my website! Feel free to have a look around, and if you find anything broken, please click the Get In Touch button above and let me know!

I am also going to be working on a very Neocities variant of this site if you're interested! If that's what you are actually after, please check back soon, and there will be a link here for exactly that!

Welcome to Deado.DEV

As I'm sure you're aware, I am a content creator on YouTube and Twitch! Use the buttons on the Nav Bar to go to my socials!

I will more than likely post updates regarding my social media presence here, so make sure you check back to keep up-to date!

My Social Media

Interested in cloud storage, but not a fan of how Google uses your data, even when you pay for Google Drive?
Worry no more! I now am hosting my own cloud storage solution, with more storage per £ with the added guarantee that I'll never sell your information, unlike Google. Either click HERE to go straight to the website, or if you don't have an account, click on the Files button on the Nav Bar!


For my next YouTube video, I will be detailing my personal opinions on the ROG Ally, along with all the objective and subjective details I'm sure you'll be interested in if you want to learn more about the product, along with my experiences with it!

Click on the YouTube Icon in the Nav Section to head straight to my channel, so you'll know exactly when I upload this video!

A sneak-peek of the thumbnail for it is shown just to the side.

My Next Video